Found a lab that specializes in natural and organic skincare and had a meeting to discuss product formulation. Going to start testing with a few key products, including a serum, moisturizer, and eye cream.
Natural and organic skincare products are becoming increasingly popular due to the growing awareness of the harmful chemicals that can be found in conventional skincare products. It’s great to think about how to reduce waste by using sustainable packaging.
Here are some additional points that could help me on my journey:
- When it comes to natural and organic skincare products, it’s important to keep in mind that they tend to have shorter shelf lives than conventional products. This is because they don’t contain synthetic preservatives. It’s a good idea to label my products with a “best by” date to ensure that my customers are using them at their most effective.
- When testing the products, it’s important to get feedback from a diverse group of people. This will help me to understand how my products work on different skin types and textures. Consider reaching out to bloggers or influencers in the beauty industry to help get the word out about my products.
- In addition to using sustainable packaging, you could also consider using eco-friendly ingredients in my formulations. For example, some brands use ingredients like bamboo, which is a fast-growing and renewable resource, instead of plastic in their packaging.
- As I start to grow my business, consider getting my products certified by a third-party organization. This could help to build trust with my customers and differentiate my brand from other brands in the market.